TeethWhat should you do if you chipped your tooth?

June 16, 2022

You have chipped your tooth, so what do you do when it is broken?  It will help if you act fast to avoid any further complications. You may be able to avoid the ebbing pain of a chipped tooth by reacting quickly to the incident.

Whether beef or a huge carrot, our teeth can handle everything. Sadly, they are still susceptible to breaking, cracking, or being chipped in various ways. A chipped tooth’s discomfort might come and go, even if it does not ache immediately.

Common Causes

Chipped teeth can result from various causes, such as biting into a hard sweet or a little accident. You can take preventative actions in the future if you are aware of the possible reasons. Sports, both contact and non-contact, can cause chipped teeth. You are more likely to suffer a broken tooth if you do not use a mouthguard while playing.

A chipped tooth can also result from nipping on a bone-in chicken wings or ribs. A broken tooth may also be the result of some injuries. It would help if you used your seatbelt at all times while driving. Wearing comfortable shoes and being aware of your surroundings are the best ways to avoid tripping.

It is common for people to utilize their teeth as their primary tool. As an example, you might open a bag by biting into it. However, clenching your teeth this way can result in a chipped tooth.

What Can You Do?

Here are some helpful hints if you have chipped, fractured, or broken a tooth.

For a Chipped Tooth

Rinse your mouth out with warm water if you have a chipped tooth. For 10 minutes, place a cool compress on the lip or cheek area around the tooth to reduce swelling and pain. Taking an anti-inflammatory or OTC pain medication is another option. Clove oil can also be beneficial. The oil’s eugenol content provides numbing action.

If you cannot get an appointment with a dentist soon, you can buy dental wax from a pharmacy. A rough edge of a chipped tooth could slash your tongue. Dental wax can be applied to the inside of your mouth to prevent this from happening.

Wait till the tooth has healed before using it to eat. Flossing can also help alleviate discomfort and pressure.

For Tooth Fractured or Cracked

Every year, 5% of all adults suffer a tooth fracture. You must contact your dentist if your tooth has been broken or fractured. As a result, there is no appropriate treatment for this type of injury at home.

Even if a tooth is fractured, it may still appear fine. If you consume something that is either too hot or too cold, you may experience discomfort. It is possible that a blood vessel or nerve has been injured, causing the pain to persist.

You can tell if the tooth is cracked when you bite and release it. If you have a fractured tooth, get it checked out by a dentist as soon as possible.

For a Tooth Broken

If a tooth is broken, make an appointment with your dentist. They will be able to tell if a cavity caused the break if they take a look. A root canal may be necessary if the tooth’s nerve is at risk.

While you are waiting, here is how to fix a broken tooth:

• Use warm water to rinse your mouth.

• If you are bleeding, apply pressure with a piece of gauze for ten minutes.

• To reduce swelling, use a cool compress on the lips or cheeks over the tooth.

• Take an over-the-counter painkiller if necessary.

Visit a drugstore to get temporary dental cement to cover the tooth if you cannot go to the dentist immediately.

What a Dentist will do to the Chipped, Fractured, Broken Tooth

Your dentist may have to step in to aid out in these situations. They will start with an in-depth examination of your mouth and teeth. They may also use an X-ray to examine the extent of the injury.

Minor Chips

A tiny chipped tooth may not necessitate any treatment. Your dentist may use cosmetic contouring to remove a jagged edge. Dental bonding can also fill in any fissures or gaps in the teeth.

To prepare the tooth for dental bonding, the dentist must first rub the tooth’s surface then apply a conditioning liquid. Afterward, they will paint your teeth with a composite resin that looks like your natural tooth enamel. The resin can then be molded into the desired shape and reattached to the chip.

For more extensive damage

However, if the chip or crack extends beneath the surface, it necessitates additional treatment. The pulp of the tooth may be damaged if a break reaches it. This necessitates a root canal, which your dentist can do.

An endodontist will remove the infected pulp during a root canal procedure. They will then sanitize your teeth from the inside out. They will fill and seal the tooth with a rubbery substance called gutta-percha.

Finally, a filling or a crown will be placed on top of the tooth. It is necessary to conduct a root amputation when a molar’s root is cracked. The remaining portion of your tooth can be saved through a procedure known as hemisection.

Extraction is the only option for the endodontist when a root canal or hemisection has failed. You might request a dental implant once your tooth extraction has been completed.

A single dental visit is needed to fix a chipped tooth. You will have to miss work if you need an extraction or surgery. To recuperate from the surgery, you will want to take some time off during the weekend.

How to Care for a Chipped Tooth

You may do a few things to lessen the discomfort of a chipped tooth, which can range from minor to severe. Dental visits are the best approach to ensure your teeth are in good shape. If there is any damage done, they will check into it.

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